As a developer, building on Pi gives you the opportunity to shape the future of Web3 by empowering you to build utilities for tens of millions of humans, and make a meaningful impact on people’s lives.

With an extensive user base, ease of use, limitless possibilities, and strong support and resources, Pi Network is the blockchain platform for developers like you to build a successful decentralized application. Here, we’ll dive into how building on Pi can unlock your potential as a developer and help you create innovative apps and utilities that solve real-world problems.

First, a quick snapshot of what awaits you when you decide to build a Pi app: 

  • Access to a potential user base of over 47 million people (“Pioneers”)
  • Simple Web3 onboarding – no blockchain or cryptocurrency-specific programming language or experience needed
  • Quick start thanks to developer tools and community contributions
  • Multiple options for making revenue allowing for diverse business models
  • Limitless development – build anything you want
  • Opportunities for support, mentorship, and Pi cryptocurrency rewards
  • Low transaction fees and high throughput on this environmentally friendly blockchain

Read on for more details, and start building now!

Massive Web3 User Base
At Pi, we understand that a vibrant and engaged user base is the foundation for any successful app. For many developers, building an initial user base can be a daunting challenge. That’s why Pi Network offers the shortest path to a Web3 platform with over 47 million engaged members, powered by the world’s most widely distributed cryptocurrency, Pi. You are, thus, able to access a massive audience eager to explore and use new applications. 

What sets our network apart is our emphasis on authenticity. With our ongoing network-wide KYC (Know Your Customer) program, one of the key mechanisms which helps ensure that the users on our blockchain are real and verified humans, we strive to achieve and maintain the most authentic network possible, easily compatible with future innovative Web3 applications that deal with ownership and infuse a financial aspect into their functionalities.

Further, because the Pi ecosystem cares about interoperability, we allow developers easy onboarding of users in the Pi community through the Pi SDK. The user authentication feature of the SDK offers instant username verification, which is uniquely tied to a user in the ecosystem. This feature relieves you of the friction and funnel drop-off associated with normal user onboarding. Ready access to users empowers you to focus on perfecting your application. 

The Pi platform enables more than simply displaying your finished apps to our community. Our programs are designed to give your product early user visibility so that you can get important user feedback along the way of building, because we know frequent user feedback loops help you iterate and perfect your product for the masses. 

What’s more, through PiNetPi Apps on the Open InterNet—it is easy for your users to share your app as well as its specific screens and pages with the online world outside of Pi. While the tens of millions of Pioneers gives you plenty of market access, the platform provides an easy way to strive for more growth and exposure. 

Everyday, many startups with excellent products die because they cannot get timely user traction. Not here at Pi Network! With our passionate and devoted KYC’ed userbase, Pi Network provides you with a trustworthy environment to showcase your apps and establish a loyal following.

Easy to Build
Don’t worry if you’re new to blockchain or Web3 development – Pi simplifies the process for you. Unlike other platforms, you can build on Pi with no prior blockchain experience or knowledge of any blockchain-specific programming language.

Our streamlined development process means you only have to build a mobile web app, integrate our JavaScript SDK, and make API calls. It’s as simple as that! Plus, with the PiOS (Pi Open Source) program, you can build atop other Pi developers’ code and benefit from their contributions, fast-tracking your app development and opening up endless possibilities for innovation and growth.

As a developer, your relentless focus on utility and user needs is critical. Therefore, Building a Pi App does not require you to learn about blockchain or a new blockchain programming language. As a matter of fact, a Pi App can be coded in any programming language that you like. At Pi Network, it is easy to join Web3, the future of the internet. Do not miss out! 

Get Started Fast
We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to app development. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive set of tools and templates specifically designed to help you build on Pi Network. These resources enable you to hit the ground running and turn your ideas into reality without delays or headaches. With Pi’s payment API, you can seamlessly plug into the Pi blockchain and leverage the existing wallets and cryptocurrency of our users. This integration allows you to provide a frictionless payment experience, increasing user engagement and adoption. 

Diverse Revenue Opportunities
With cryptocurrency-enabled transactions designed into your app mechanics, you can find numerous ways to make revenue—whether you ask users to pay you in Pi or decide to make your product free of cost. To illustrate (but in no way to limit your creativity!), you can enable Pi cryptocurrency to be used to sell goods in an e-commerce app, offer services through a marketplace app, sell assets and access in a game app, or design micro transactions to govern the core mechanisms of a social media app. The platform will also allow easy access to an ad network, enabling you to be rewarded for providing something of benefit to the Pi community. Therefore, the most important aspect of designing your app is to serve a human need and provide utility to our passionate community numbering in the tens of millions.

Build Anything You Want
Pi values utility and innovation. We’re constantly seeking apps that solve real problems and enhance the lives of people and societies. Whether your app focuses on entertainment, social interactions, news, education, finance, goods and services, consumer utility, or ventures beyond these categories, Pi is the platform that welcomes your creativity. With an enormous user base of over 47 million Pioneers, there’s widespread interest in curiosity––what you want to make will likely find a warm audience here, making Pi the ideal environment to turn your vision into a tangible product. 

Explore our collection of diverse winning apps from past hackathons to witness the range of Pi use-cases in action. Review our Developer Terms of Service to follow guidelines for the benefit of our community. 

Access our Support Programs
At Pi, we believe in empowering developers through ongoing support and opportunities for growth. Our #PiHackathon provides an ongoing avenue for developers like you to access support and mentorship from the Pi Core Team, get additional visibility, and submit your Pi Apps for review by tens of millions of Pioneers. Additionally, we offer Pi Cryptocurrency rewards to support your building efforts as you meet different development and platform milestones, enabling you to dedicate your time and resources to creating exceptional apps.

Pi Blockchain is the right fit for you
For the crypto-natives reading this piece, there are several other reasons the Pi blockchain is an attractive chain to build on. The consensus algorithm of the Pi blockchain is environmentally friendly, and you will experience low transaction fees, high throughput and no platform fees.

Come build with us!

Pi is more than just a development platform; it’s a community of innovators, creators, and problem solvers. Building on Pi opens doors to a large user base, streamlined development processes, limitless possibilities, and robust support. We believe developers should embrace this opportunity and the potential they have to shape the future of technology by making what we believe to be a lasting socioeconomic impact on the lives of the tens of millions of people that are already Pi registered users, and the billions more globally that may become part of our future through the efforts of developers like you.

Ready to embark on your Pi journey? Start building and be part of a thriving community that’s shaping the future.